Local Housing Allowance payments
Local Housing Allowance is normally paid directly to tenants, unless they get into rent arrears of 8 weeks or more.
If the tenant is having trouble paying rent, we can look at paying it directly to the landlord if:
- they have a medical condition affecting mental or physical health
- they have learning disabilities or physical disabilities
- English is not their first language
- changes in their situation mean they need extra support
- they suffer from addiction to alcohol and drugs
- they have severe debt problems
- old age is affecting their abilities
- they are in rent arrears in their current tenancy
- they are illiterate
If you are a landlord applying for direct payments, you will need to complete the downloadable forms.
If you have a tenant who gets Housing Benefit under the old system, the tenant will be responsible for paying their rent to the landlord.
We have a joint Safeguard Policy (PDF, 62.83KB) with Spelthorne and Runnymede Borough Council.