Martin is an Environmental Officer who strives to work smarter rather than harder. If a process can be improved he will do it; if communication needs to be improved he will find a way to improve it and if he can help a colleague along the way, he’s had a good day. Martin has lots of good days!
He started at Elmbridge in early 2016 and in that time he has become a ‘go-to’ person in the organisation. His open and accommodating attitude belies both his work ethic and his determination to do his job to the best of his ability. It’s the diversity of his role that keeps him excited about his job – no two days are the same!
Martin is responsible for our ‘Street Smart’ team (a dedicated team committed to keeping the Borough in good working order), he manages road closures, including the 16 royal wedding street parties, ensures our village and town centres are in good working order, supports our resilience plan for potential flooding in the Borough and he manages our small fleet of electronic pool cars. As you would imagine a varied role such as his, needs someone who can plan and strategize, manage and coach, and who has both drive and self-motivation – to name but a few!
As an avid Chelsea FC fan, Martin is used to seeing his club striving for excellence each week but it is safe to say that this is something Martin does each and every day!