Come work in a museum they said! A museum without walls; a virtual museum! Where do I sign, replied Amy, our Elmbridge Museum Exhibition & Interpretation Officer?
Elmbridge Museum has the special privilege of being a virtual museum. There is no specific building to visit, instead the exhibits and collections are on our website or in collection cases around the borough. This is what Amy loves most about her role, the historical collections have significance to the local community. The collections come to the community; they have relevance to local history and in the case of Amy’s most recent project, they are even relevant to the future of the planet.
Amy has been working with the year six students at a local primary school. They have used items in Elmbridge Museum’s collection to learn about how climate change is affecting local life. By studying historic evidence of extreme weather, transport and green space, the students have compared our local environment ‘then’ and ‘now’. The result is 83 fantastic posters, which answer the question – ‘Why does climate change matter?’
For Amy, it’s all about feeling that you can contribute; that she is not just a cog, that her work has value and relevance to the community. She came to the right place!