Democracy matters; something we are more aware of than ever as we watch events unfold around the world. However, what we often forget is that there are many people behind the scenes facilitating our right to vote. From maintaining the electoral register to find and establishing polling stations to managing candidates and agents, electoral teams around the country work hard to ensure democracy matters.
Liza is one of these people. She is Electoral Services Officer at Elmbridge. More than that, she is a committed team member, determined to ensure high standards in everything she does. The detailed legislation around elections, demands these high standards. As Liza points out she also has to be flexible and open minded, if a snap General Election is called she needs to react and react quickly, if legislation changes she has to ensure smooth adoption of the changes.
That flexibility works both ways, as Liza has the option at Elmbridge to work from home and to adapt her working pattern if caring commitments demand, but no matter where she logs in, the job gets done and gets done to a high standard.