To achieve the top food hygiene rating of 5, a business must demonstrate compliance with the legal requirements for food hygiene.
Your rating is based on how you comply with 3 key areas:
- how hygienically food is handled
- the condition of the premises
- how food safety is managed and recorded
Improve your rating
To get the best possible rating, check your last food hygiene inspection report and make sure you've taken all the actions needed to ensure that you meet the legal requirements.
As a business owner, you can take the following actions to improve your rating:
- request a revisit by an inspector
- make a ‘right of reply’ to explain any action you have taken to improve your rating following an inspection
- appeal an inspection if you feel the rating is unfair
- make sure you and your staff have up-to-date training
- use the Food Standards Agency's free management tools
- register your food business if you haven’t already