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Find out more about adult social care support in Surrey.
Adult social care aims to help people stay independent, safe and well so they can live the lives they want to.
This includes people who are frail, have disabilities or neurodiversity, mental health issues as well as the people who care for them (unpaid carers).
Social care can include 'personal care' such as support for washing, dressing and getting out of bed in the morning, as well as wider support to help people stay active and engaged in their communities.
Social care for adults is not usually free. People may need to contribute towards the cost of their care. The amount they need to pay depends on their income, savings and expenditure.
Find out if you have social care needs and how much you will need to pay on the adult social care assessments and eligibility: Surrey County Council.
If you're at risk of abuse of neglect, or suspect someone else is, you need to report it:
Report abuse or neglect to Surrey County Council
Surrey County Council: adult social care and support - call 0300 200 1005 for more information.
Connect to Support Surrey - directory to find local community groups, things to do, help at home, regulated care providers and more.
Surrey Care Choices - a directory of private care services -care homes and in-home care- available in Surrey, as well as information about support from the council and services for carers.
Healthy Surrey - find self-care information, as well as signposting to local services available to you as a Surrey resident.