We provide the free airText service to Elmbridge residents to give advance warning of when air pollution is expected to be higher than usual. Once you register, air pollution alerts are sent direct to your phone or email when levels in your area increase to a moderate level or above.
Alerts are sent up to 3 days ahead so you can plan around periods of higher air pollution.
The alerts take account of ozone, nitrogen dioxide and small particulates (PM10 and 2.5) levels in the air, which may have an impact on your health.
Why sign up
You may want to sign up:
- to better manage your health: if you have a heart or lung condition such as asthma, emphysema, bronchitis, heart disease or angina, as you may be affected by higher-than-normal levels of air pollution and this may influence any medication or activity decisions
- to be informed: so that you can plan ahead - for example, you may choose to avoid a long run when air pollution is higher
- to help another: you can receive alerts on behalf of another person who is more vulnerable, such as an elderly relative or young children with conditions like asthma. The young and elderly are more vulnerable to air pollution.
About airText
The air quality forecasts are produced by Cambridge Environmental Research Consultants (CERC).
Their system combines weather forecasts, European-scale pollution forecasts and very detailed data on pollution sources across Elmbridge, using CERC's advanced atmospheric modelling system to predict air quality across the borough.
The forecasts are issued twice a day at around 7am and 7pm.
An alert is issued if more than 10% of the Elmbridge area is predicted to reach one of the alert thresholds for either of the pollutant.