Our rental support scheme works in a similar way to a letting agency, but without the fees.
What we offer
We can help you to rent your property to prospective tenants who are seeking good quality, affordable, private rented accommodation.
We can offer landlords (and prospective landlords) a mix of incentives and free services including:
- no introduction fees
- advance rent and deposit payments (up to 1 month’s rent in advance as well as a deposit guarantee of 6 weeks’ rent)
- guaranteed rent payments (for an initial 12 months to new landlords)
- free tenancy agreements
- free inventories and check-outs
- ongoing support throughout the tenancy
- incentive payments
With continuing demand for 1, 2 and 3 bedroom affordable homes, we are always looking for more landlords.
We currently have over 150 tenancies within Elmbridge up and running through the rental support scheme, and plenty of prospective tenants who are seeking good quality, affordable, private rented accommodation.
Find out more
If you would like more information, please contact rss@elmbridge.gov.uk or call us on 01372 474597.