The Mayor of Elmbridge, Councillor Simon Waugh, led guests including Councillors and former Mayors in the annual Armed Forces Flag Raising ceremony at the Esher Civic Centre.
This ceremony marks the start of Armed Forces week celebrating and recognising the bravery and commitment of our Armed Forces both past and present who risk and have risked their lives in the line of duty. Particularly highlighted was the 40th anniversary of the end of the Falklands War and remembering those who did not come home. The specially commissioned flag will remain flying up to and including Armed Forces Day on Saturday 25 June.
The Mayor’s Chaplain, Revd Darren McCallig, rededicated the flag before it was raised. The Acting Chief Executive, Sarah Selvanathan, read the Exhortation and two minutes silence was observed. The procession was led by Piper Iain Raymond who accompanied the Mayor and his guests.
The Mayor said, “Elmbridge Borough Council are pleased to be involved in this annual event as it is vital to recognise and support our Armed Forces all over the world for both their work in the past, present and the future and it was a great privilege to have led the ceremony as Mayor of Elmbridge and to acknowledge all those who protect and serve our country.”