When you are visiting Surrey's beautiful countryside this summer, follow these simple suggestions to ensure you and the landscape stay safe.
Stay alert to crime in your area and how you can help to prevent it by considering joining the Country Watch scheme and In The Know from Surrey Police.
Help pets enjoy the summer safely too:
- The RSPCA has some great tips for keeping them cool such as adding ice cubes to water bowls and pet safe sun-cream.
- Never leave a dog in a car, even for a short while or with the window open. When it's 22 degrees outside, in a car it can reach an unbearable 47 degrees within an hour.
- Walking your dog when the ground’s too hot can seriously damage paws. Press your hand to the pavement for 7 seconds – if it's too hot for your hand, it's too hot for your dog’s paws!
Download the right apps on your phone to ensure you are prepared should you be faced with an emergency such as an accident, spotting a fire or becoming lost:
- Download a first aid app
- Ensure you know how to use live location sharing apps such as Google Maps and WhatsApp
- Add ICE (in case of emergency) contact number on lock screen
Follow Surrey Fire and Rescue Service guidance:
- Discard rubbish and cigarettes carefully
- Never leave a BBQ unattended
- Avoid starting camp fires on the commons and bonfires during hot, dry weather.
- If there is a fire, call 999 and don’t try to tackle it yourself.
- If the fire is in a remote area, give an accurate location and meet the emergency services at the access point if safe to do so.
Follow the countryside code this summer:
- Be safe, plan ahead and follow signs
- Leave gates and property as you find them
- Protect plants / animals and take all litter home
- Keep dogs under close control
- Consider other people