As the cold weather snaps, we are continuing to support the Elmbridge community with the increasing costs of living.
On Thursday 7 December, we hosted a face-to-face support hub session at the Molesey Centre for the Community. Over 70 people dropped-in to speak to us, the DWP and Citizens Advice about a variety of subjects including benefits claims, help with food and energy costs and housing queries.
We have a provisional date set for a similar drop-in session at the Walton Centre for the Community on Thursday 26 January 2023.
The Warm Hubs in conjunction with Surrey County Council, are up and running at our seven Centres for the Community around the borough. These offer our residents a hot drink and somewhere warm to be as the temperatures drop. The Centres teams are also supporting with advice and signposting when requested.
In mid-December, we will issue food vouchers to approximately 1,500 families on benefits with children aged 16years or younger. Some local businesses have also contributed to this fund, and we thank them for their commitment to the community. Further information will be issued directly to the families concerned.
Thanks to the Elmbridge Community Lottery, we have funding to support cost of living projects in conjunction with our community partners.
We continue to direct residents to our cost-of-living hub for information and signposting on heating, housing, food banks and mental health services, among others.
We are extremely grateful to our partners for their commitment to supporting our residents. We know cost of living challenges will only increase after Christmas and we will continue to do all we can to support.
Cllr Chris Sadler, Leader Elmbridge Borough Council
Cllr Bruce McDonald, Deputy Leader, Leader Elmbridge Borough Council
Cllr Gill Coates, Portfolio Holder for Community Care