Elmbridge Borough Council has pledged to be carbon neutral by 2030; a pledge that is fully embedded in the priorities of the council. One of our key actions has been to reduce in the carbon output from our buildings and we are pleased to say that 973 solar panels are now installed at the council owned Xcel Leisure Complex in Walton-on-Thames. Solar panels have also been installed at our Centres for the Community in Walton, Cobham, Claygate and Molesey, with installation currently taking place at the Hersham Village Hall. Solar panel installation at the Hersham Centre for the Community is schedule for the new year.
The panels at the Xcel have been installed by Elmbridge Borough Council, in partnership with Places Leisure (who run the Leisure Complex, The Sports Hub and Hurst Pool) and JoJu Solar. It is expected they will reduce electrical consumption on site by 40%* and will lead to an estimated CO2 saving of over 75 tonnes per year, based on with an estimated annual generation of 304 M Wh.
Councillor David Young, Portfolio Holder for Climate Change is thrilled that Elmbridge is another step closer to achieving its carbon neutral pledge: “The installation of these solar panels and the 40% reduction in electrical consumption at the Xcel Leisure Complex, further reinforces our commitment to climate change. This shows that with collective commitment and determination, we can deliver on our carbon neutral by 2030 pledge.”
Daniel Walker, Business Development Director, Places Leisure is a proud partner in the solar panel installation: “Working with Elmbridge, we are committed to improving the sustainability of the Xcel. Through the new partnership contract, both Places Leisure and Elmbridge Borough Council, will invest in more energy efficient infrastructure, including new heating systems, hydrogen ready boilers, LED lighting and electric car charging bays. Collectively we will provide more sustainable leisure facilities in Elmbridge.”
Edward Baughn, Head of Commercial Solar at JoJu Solar is delighted that their team has worked closely with the Council and Places Leisure on the installation: “We’re proud to have played our part to design and install the solar array on the Xcel, helping Elmbridge Borough Council reduce the carbon output on its buildings. It will be great to see the savings being made when the system goes live in December”.
* Based on the leisure centre’s consumption over a 12-month period
Further information on Sustainable Elmbridge.