Update from Council 20 July
At Elmbridge’s Council meeting on 20 July, the Administration reconfirmed its decision to consult with residents about replacing the two paddling pools in Weybridge with even better facilities as part of its vision for a sustainable and thriving Elmbridge. Council leaders expressed their determination to improve, not remove, play facilities in the borough.
A consultation will take place in the months ahead to determine what enhanced facilities will be introduced.
Update ahead of Cabinet 6 July
For their wellbeing our children need to be outdoors playing with their friends and families. Our journey towards a sustainable and thriving Elmbridge will always provide opportunities for play in the 100’s of parks, recreation grounds and open spaces we provide and maintain across the borough.
Among the sandpits, natural play equipment, the swings and the skateparks, we have two paddling pools in Weybridge. We have provided these paddling pools since the 1950s. However, they are costly both financially and environmentally; the paddling pools need to be emptied and refilled with water every day they are in use.
It is time to consider the future of the two paddling pools and to determine how they fit into Elmbridge’s sustainable future.
At the Elmbridge Borough Cabinet meeting tonight (6 July 2022), it was agreed that both the paddling pools would be phased out. The administration is committed to replacing them with even better facilities. To that end, a consultation will take place in the months ahead to determine what enhanced facilities will be introduced.