22 December 2022: Letter to the Mayor of London
Letter from Chief Executive of Elmbridge Borough Council to the Mayor of London (PDF, 207.57KB) - 22 December 2022
Motion regarding the expansion of the ULEZ (PDF, 107.44KB) - 7 December 2022
12 December 2022: Elmbridge will work for changes to ULEZ expansion
At a meeting of Elmbridge Borough Council on Wednesday 7 December, Councillors reinforced their commitment to improving air quality in the borough while also agreeing to act on behalf of the Elmbridge community, to work to improve the implementation of the extension of Ultra Low Emissions Zone (ULEZ) being introduced in August 2023 by the Mayor of London.
In June this year we re-established our five priorities in tackling air pollution in Elmbridge , as part of Elmbridge’s Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP):
- Reducing emissions from traffic
- Buildings and new development
- Monitoring
- Raising Awareness
- Lobbying and partnership working
It is this commitment to lobbying and partnership working that is need now. As currently presented, the ULEZ extension does not address our concerns nor those of Elmbridge residents and businesses.
We know the communities of Elmbridge are linked with those of Greater London. We know our residents travel to hospitals, businesses and other services in Greater London and are concerned by the £12.50 ULEZ daily charge, and potential large fines for non-compliant vehicles. We know this will disproportionately impact small Elmbridge businesses and our residents on lower incomes, already hit hardest by the rising cost-of-living.
Our community is often more reliant on their cars and doesn’t have access to the Tube or bus networks of Greater London as an alternative travel option. We urge Transport for London and the Mayor of London to work with us and with Surrey County Council to improve local public transport and cycle ways and other sustainable travel initiatives such as the expansion of Zone 6 beyond Hampton Court and Thames Ditton to include stations such as Esher, Walton-on-Thames, Hersham, Hinchley Wood, Cobham, Oxshott, Claygate, Weybridge and others.
After all in the same way that air doesn’t acknowledge administrative boundaries, neither do people’s lives.
Cllr Chris Sadler, Leader, Elmbridge Borough Council
Cllr Bruce McDonald, Deputy Leader, Elmbridge Borough Council
Update 25 November 2022: Disappointed concerns have not been acknowledged
Cllr Chris Sadler, Leader, Elmbridge Borough Council:
"On Thursday 24 November, TFL attended Elmbridge’s Overview and Scrutiny meeting to respond to our concerns about the extension of the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) across all London boroughs, as we believe it will adversely impact Elmbridge residents and that TFL have not factored this into their thinking.
"Today, Friday 25 November, they have announced that indeed the ULEZ will be extended from 29 August 2023. We are disappointed that our concerns and those of the Elmbridge residents and businesses have not been considered and we will continue to lobby TFL to extend the scrappage scheme beyond London and to work with us and Surrey County Council to improve public transport."
Update 17 November: TFL coming to Overview and Scrutiny
At our upcoming Overview and Scrutiny meeting on 24 November, we welcome the opportunity to speak with TFL regarding the potential ULEZ expansion and hear from them on issues such as the implementation date (which we believe is too soon) and the data on air quality behind the proposals, both of which and more were raised through Elmbridge Borough Council’s initial assessment of the proposals.
July 2022: There are too many uncertainties with the current proposal to expand the ULEZ
Elmbridge Borough Council is supportive of improving air quality in Elmbridge and of increased trade in our high streets and parades, both of which we see as potential benefits to the possible extension of the ULEZ (as being proposed by the Mayor of London). However, there are too many uncertainties with the current proposal.
While traffic is the leading contributor of emissions in Elmbridge, the current proposal does not seem to encourage the use of cycling, walking or public transport. Nor does it offer improvements to public transport services in Elmbridge or other boroughs neighbouring London.
The extension of the ULEZ will generate revenue for Transport For London (TFL) and we would like assurances that such revenue will be invested to support necessary and affordable public transport links between Elmbridge and the proposed ULEZ area.
Overall, the report being presented to the Individual Cabinet Member Decision Making Meeting (ICMDM) on 11 July, proposes that the implementation date is too soon. Authorities on the border of the proposed expansion, of which Elmbridge is one, have not had enough time to consider the impacts of the scheme, nor have TfL provided any modelling on air quality or traffic flow analysis. Such analysis will take time and we would hope for a delay in implementing the scheme to allow for this essential information.
The report being presented suggests the following actions by Elmbridge Borough Council:
To submit the Council’s response, as stated in the report, to the ULEZ London-wide consultation by 29 July 2022.
To respond to any further consultations and participate in related workshops to develop Elmbridge’s response to an expanded ULEZ.
To keep residents and businesses updated on any developments regarding the ULEZ London-wide proposals.
The Leader of Elmbridge Borough Council, Councillor Chris Sadler, to personally write to the Mayor London expressing our viewpoints on the proposed ULEZ London-wide expansion. (Update 1 August - Letter from Cllr Sadler to the Mayor of London, PDF, 173.74KB)
Please continue to check back to our website for updates on this proposal from the Mayor of London.
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