We’re pleased to support the successful Weybridge farmers market by signing a new deal with the organisers McLaren Fine Foods allowing the market to continue throughout 2023.
The quarterly farmers market offers residents and visitors the best local tasty treats, delectable delights and fresh local produce, bakes, cakes and much much more.
The market, developed by McLaren Fine Foods on Church Street in Weybridge, will again run across March, June, September and December in Churchfields Car Park as we works with our businesses locally to ensure Weybridge continues to be a great place to shop, eat, drink and visit.
Councillor Robin Stephens, Portfolio Holder for Enterprise and the Local Economy said: ‘We’re committed to supporting our high streets however we can. Farmers markets are a great way of attracting people into the town centre, adding vibrancy and supporting local traders. The farmers market is a great example of how we can think differently about how we use our assets by safely using Churchfields car park as the base for the market. Residents still have plenty of space to park, can check out the market and visit the high street.
"Maria and Adam at McLaren Fine Foods who organise the market are fantastic supporters of Weybridge and I look forward to the farmers market going from strength to strength in 2023."
The next Weybridge Farmers Market will be held on Sunday 4 December between 11am -3pm.
For more information please visit: Weybridge Farmers Market.