In Elmbridge we have over 1,900 households seeking affordable housing and over 70 homeless households (including families) in temporary accommodation. We are also supporting those fleeing Afghanistan and Ukraine.

How you can help
Contact us to discuss the options available for your empty home:
- potential purchase of the property, chain and commission-free, at market value either by the council or a housing association for use as affordable housing, especially those with two or more bedrooms and wheelchair accessible homes
- we can find you a tenant and provide a rent guarantee for up to 3 years
- you may be able to access up to £5,000 in grants, in return for accepting a council-nominated tenant for at least one year at an agreed rent
- you can benefit from an empty homes loan of up to £30,000 for improvement works to the property, provided through a non-profit organisation with repayments spread over 3 years
- where a successful empty property loan has been made, an empty property grant up to £5,000 may be offered as a top up assistance, subject to budget availability
- we offer dedicated support to refugee families, support them settling successfully and being responsible tenants
Why should I help?
You will be helping a family in need, and it makes financial sense for you.
You could get an income from a sale or by renting your empty house out. You would then no longer be responsible for Council Tax and other costs. Owners of homes that have been empty for two years or more may be liable to pay a Council Tax premium of at least 100% (double the bill).
Tell me more
- to find a tenant email:
- for other enquires email:
- visit our housing pages
- visit Action on Empty Homes