Across Elmbridge, over 1300 year 6 students from 20 different schools attended life skill sessions, focusing on their wellbeing and becoming a responsible young citizen, hosted by Elmbridge Borough Council.
Between Monday 5 and Wednesday 21 June the programme welcomed students into the Civic Centre in Esher to take part in workshops run by Network rail, SECAMB*, Places Leisure, Hope UK, Children and Family Health Surrey, and PA housing.
Students learned important and valuable skills such as railway safety, water safety, first aid, health, combating anti-social behaviour and awareness around drugs and alcohol.
These practical workshops allowed students to learn in a fun and engaging way. Cues and simple questions encouraged the children to take in all the vital information they could need as part of their transition into secondary school.
Students were encouraged to evaluate their experience through a poster competition, allowing them to recall what they learned once again in an interactive and enjoyable way.
Councillor Bruce McDonald, Leader of the Council said: “It was a memorable experience for the Mayor and me to join the Junior Citizen programme and I am sure it was for the participants too. The young people joined in sessions like the ones on Water Safety and Cardio Vascular Resuscitation with huge enthusiasm . I was really impressed. It’s important all the students learn such vital information both for their own and the community's benefit. We’ve thoroughly enjoyed welcoming them into the Civic Centre and look forward to seeing how they progress and thrive in our community.”