Our 2030 Vision for the borough seeks to improve the lives of our communities and promote a healthy lifestyle in Elmbridge. As a part of the Vision and Transformation Programme, consideration is being given to the future of Hurst Pool.
There is an increasing demand for swimming in the borough as shown by the levels of use at both Xcel and Hurst Pool and 23 other public pools in the borough.
The Hurst Pool however is now ageing and while it has been well maintained, surveys have identified that a significant refurbishment programme is required to extend the life of the building up to and potentially beyond 2032.
It is time to review the Hurst Pool in view of the current and future demand for and access to swimming across the whole borough, before a decision is made on the future investment and use of the site.
As our leisure facilities are high users of energy and water, the review of Hurst Pool also provides an opportunity to consider an environmentally sustainable facility, by significantly reducing its carbon footprint and contributing to meet the our carbon net zero target.
Elmbridge Cabinet considered a report in November 2022 to commission consultants to review whether it should be retained at the current site and if it should, an outline project plan to undertake an options appraisal and feasibility study for a potential replacement/refurbished Hurst Pool. An update report is due to be presented to Cabinet in July 2023 and a decision due in 2024.
For more information see the report below:
- Document