We are aware that the residents of Thorneycroft Close in Walton North are concerned about losing their small park off Vanbrugh Drive after it was recently sold.
We feel as strongly as our communities about the importance of the borough’s green spaces and ensuring that these highly valued areas are protected from development.
We have in place a Play Strategy and planning policies* which make it clear that we will seek to protect, enhance and manage our parks and gardens, open spaces and children’s play areas, as part of our diverse network of accessible and multi-functional green spaces in Elmbridge,
These policies have been tested through previous planning applications such as Land East Of 17 Sovereign Court, Bishop Fox Way, West Molesey (2019/1362) where the Council refused permission in October 2019.
Our approach is supported by the Government’s national planning policies and is one that has been carried through to our new Local Plan 2037; reflecting our place-making ambitions and the aspirations of our communities to protect our green spaces.
If you are concerned that there has been a planning breach on an area of open space ie development on the land without the benefit of planning permission or someone has incorporated an area of open space within their garden without the benefit of planning permission, you can report this to our Compliance Team.
*Planning policies relating to our green spaces include Core Strategy Policy CS14 – Green Infrastructure and Development Management Policy DM20 – Open Spaces and views.
Our Development Management Plan (2015) states that existing open spaces, sport and recreational buildings and land, including playing fields, should not be built on unless:
- An assessment has been undertaken which has clearly shown the open space, buildings or land to be surplus to requirements,
- The loss resulting from the proposed development would be replaced by equivalent or better provision in terms of quantity and quality in a suitable location, or
- The development is for alternative sports and recreation provision, the needs for which clearly outweigh the loss.