On 5 September, Elmbridge Borough Council opened the second round of its cost-of-living fund, designed to help and enable local partners to support residents who are financially vulnerable due to the rising cost of living.
We have allocated £300,000 to this funding round, bringing the total to £500,000 pledged this year to cost-of-living projects.
Organisations have seen an increased demand for local voluntary, community and faith sector services. The aim of this fund is to enable these organisations to meet this demand and help our residents most need.
Who is it for?
Applications will be accepted from external partners including, not-for-profit organisations, third sector and faith sector organisations operating in Elmbridge that support vulnerable residents, including organisations registered or unregistered with the Charity Commission and Community Interest Companies.
The funding must only be used to support Elmbridge residents.
How to apply
Round two of the Elmbridge Cost of Living fund is open from 5 September for applications, closing at 12pm on 3 October 2023.
Further information
This follows on from round one of the funding which supported 12 local projects earlier in the year, including Walton Charity, Cook4Care and St Peter’s West Molesey.
- Walton Charity is a local charitable foundation working with community and local partners to build an Elmbridge community free from poverty where everyone can thrive. Soaring food and fuel prices mean that many families across Elmbridge are forced to make impossible decisions, and some are struggling to feed their children, which is why Walton Charity set up their Elmbridge Emergency Cost of Living Appeal. For every £1 donated both Walton Charity and Elmbridge Borough Council will match it £1 for £1. Walton Charity and Elmbridge Borough Council have each pledged to match donations up to £30,000.
- With the increasing energy and food cost, the services of local charity Cook4Care are more in demand than ever. There are over 14,000 young carers under the age of 16 in Surrey, young people and primary school children, who carry the responsibility for caring for members of their family, both emotionally and practically. Run by volunteers, Cook4Care, supports these young people by providing nutritious home cooked meals for the whole family, two nights a week, delivered to their door. Through the Elmbridge Borough Council cost of living fund, Cook4Care were provided with £5K to enable them to further support young carers.
- St Peter’s West Molesey brings together a group of people who want to help and support the local community. In collaboration with the East Elmbridge foodbank and Molesey Churches Night Shelter, it focusses on the helping the most vulnerable and due to the increasing costs of living, that support has been needed more and more. Through the Elmbridge Borough Council cost of living fund, they successfully applied for £15k for more chairs, advertising, funding for a support worker and improvements to their multifunctional space, all to enable them to help more families in the community.
Cllr Gill Coates, Portfolio Holder for Community Care, said:
“We know large numbers of families and individuals in Elmbridge are struggling with the cost-of-living crisis. Our local charity, faith and voluntary sector partners are doing a huge amount to help and we encourage all of them to think about any projects they would like to bring forward to support Elmbridge residents through the cost-of-living crisis. In the last round of funding, we supported a range of projects such as Walton Charity with its matched donations appeal, Cook4Care with home cooked meals for young carers and their families and St Peter’s West Molesey with funding for a support worker. How can we help your group to support the most vulnerable in our community?”