A thriving, sustainable borough with vibrant town and village centres at the heart of our communities is integral to our vision for Elmbridge.
Through both the draft Local Plan and Business Improvement Districts (BIDS)*, we have the means to make this happen.
Our draft Local Plan will create the pathway for economic growth, BIDS drive extra investment with sustainable resources, a strong five-year business plan and partnership working between the businesses, council and local groups. A winning formula for a thriving community.
Following the successful Business Improvement District (BID) ballot result in Cobham earlier this year, Elmbridge Cabinet agreed to further support Cobham with upfront funding (to be paid back over two years through BID levy payments) and to support the exploratory steps from Weybridge and Esher for future potential BIDs.
Councillor Robin Stephens, Portfolio Holder for Planning, Enterprise and Local Economy said: "We have seen from the current success of the Walton BID, how the businesses in the town are enabled and supported to add vibrancy to the high street through events and festivals such as the Walton Film Festival and the Coronation party. These community festivals, not only bring people into the town but they also foster that sense of community cohesion and pride.
"I was pleased to support the Cobham BID and I look forward to the ideas and energy the BID brings to build on the excellent work of the Cobham Chamber of Commerce when they launch in October this year."
*Business Improvement District
Business Improvement Districts are business led partnerships which are created through a ballot process to deliver additional services to local businesses.
They can be a powerful tool for directly involving local businesses in local activities and allow the business community and local authorities to work together to improve the local trading environment.
For more information see GOV.UK: Business Improvement Districts.