Older persons event on Thursday 28 September at Xcel leisure complex
9am to 12pm, Waterside Drive, Walton-on-Thames KT12 2JG
With this event, we are celebrating Older Persons Day and inviting you to:
- Find out about and have a go at regular classes at the Xcel centre, walking sports and other forms of exercise to help you get more active and enjoy a healthier lifestyle
- Get information about accessing local support to help with a health condition and living independently and more comfortably.
Come and try for free:
- Strength and balance class: 10am-10.20am and 11am-11.20am (in the squash court)
- Steady and strong class: 10.30am to 10.50am and 11.30am to 11.50am (squash court)
- Walking football: 9am - 10am (synthetic turf pitch opposite the Xcel centre, across the car park)
- Walking netball: 9:30am - 11.00am (sports hall)
- Walking volleyball: 11am – 11.45am (sports hall)
- Elmbridge wellbeing walk along the towpath: Meet outside entrance to Xcel leisure complex at 10.30am for a 20min or 30min slow walk along the towpath.
- Swimming (main pool).
Visit the information hub in the Xcel foyer where professional advisers will be on hand to give you information about:
- EBC Community Support Team: programme of exercise classes based at the Centres for The Community in Elmbridge Borough Council
- EBC Leisure Team: Wellbeing Walks and Cycle Rides and tennis
- Places Leisure (Xcel Team): Covid recovery programme, Xcel exercise referral classes)
- Citizens Advice Bureau: support with benefits, debt, and other useful advice
- CHEER: benefits and befriending service (home visits and help with social isolation)
- U3A activities
- Thames Medical Hub: keeping well over 70
- Active Surrey: “Live Longer Better”
- East Primary Care Network: diabetes prevention
- Warmth Matters information
If you come along on the day, don’t forget to get your free 5-day Xcel pass!
We would love you to get involved on our open day at Xcel but if you can’t make any of the activities on offer, collect a free 5-day pass and a programme to try classes for free at Xcel at a time that suits you.
For more information email health@elmbridge.gov.uk or commservices@elmbridge.gov.uk