Thank you to all those residents and community partners who attended our Annual Public Meeting.
The meeting is available to watch via our webcast.
On the night we watched this short video which reinforced our 2030 Vision for a sustainable and thriving Elmbridge, driven by the power of our community.
January: You are invited to our Annual Public Meeting
Our Annual Public Meeting takes place on 5 March 2024, from 6pm-8pm at the Civic Centre, Esher High Street.
You will hear from the Leader of Elmbridge Borough Council, Cllr Bruce McDonald, on the progress made during the previous year - year one of the 2030 Vision – as well as hear plans for the year ahead.
Cllr McDonald will update you the council’s budget for the year ahead and the prudent financial management which is ensuring Elmbridge can go beyond delivery of statutory services and deliver a sustainable and thriving Elmbridge. He will demonstrate how collaboration with community partners is ensuring support reaches the most vulnerable in our community and how Elmbridge’s economy is being enabled to thrive through partnerships with local businesses, as well as county wide and regional networks.
Those who registered to attend, residents, businesses, and community partners, will also have the opportunity to ask questions of the Leader, Cllr Bruce McDonald and Deputy Leader Cllr Simon Waugh.
Cllr McDonald added: “I am looking forward to the opportunity to reflect on the year just gone and the progress we have made on our Vision 2030 strategy, plus look ahead to the good work planned for the upcoming year. I invite our residents, businesses, and community partners to join me on 5 March at the Civic Centre in Esher.”
Schedule for the event
6pm-7pm – Networking opportunity with tea and coffee and light snacks provided.
Come along and talk to us and our partners in our marketplace area before the presentation begins.
Attendees will include:
- SES water
- Surrey Fire and Rescue
- Surrey Police
- River Thames Scheme
- Places Leisure
- Central Surrey Voluntary Action
- Elmbridge Community Lottery
- Elmbridge Elections team
- Elmbridge Museum
7-8pm – Presentation and questions, Cllr Bruce McDonald, Cllr Simon Waugh
Presentation followed by the opportunity to ask questions.
Registering to attend
Registration is available until end of day 4 March (the day before the meeting). Questions to be asked at the event should be included on the registration form.
The maximum in person attendees for this event is 145. We would ask that representatives attend on behalf of groups with particular concerns. This event will be webcast.