Working together with the community and businesses, we are on a mission to reduce engine-idling in the borough.
Idling is when a car engine is running yet the car is not moving. It is usually considered idling when the car has stopped and the engine has been running more than 30 seconds. Polluted air from idling can have negative impacts on health, the environment and can also waste money and fuel.
Join the idle free journey and sign the pledge to switch off your engines. This pledge encourages you and your employees to switch off your engine when: using the heating, delivering, waiting, on a lunch break, charging a phone or using aircon.
Your business can get involved by signing a pledge to become an idle free organisation. Once you have taken the pledge, you’ll receive a useful anti-idling pack to encourage you and your employees to switch off your engines with posters and anti-idling car/shop window stickers.
If you are interested in signing the pledge and receiving a pack, please contact:
Find out more about how we are working towards a more sustainable and greener Elmbridge.