For over two years we have been engaging and consulting with residents and other stakeholders to develop a Design Code for the borough and we are proud to now present the Elmbridge Design Code to April Council for adoption.
The Elmbridge Design Code is a set of simple, concise, design requirements which set principles for new development in an area. It aims to reflect local character and design preferences, providing a framework for creating high-quality design in the borough. It will support the implementation of the existing Local Plan policies relating to design matters.
The Design Code has different design requirements tailored to reflect the character of the individual neighbourhoods within Elmbridge. It also follows national guidance on 10 characteristics of good design including, character of buildings, space standards and accessibility, design of green infrastructure and the protection of biodiversity and local character and built heritage.
During the various consultation and collaboration opportunities, you told us that provision of parking in new developments is a priority and that urban greening and street trees in new and existing spaces are important to you. You were also passionate about highlighting the importance of access to local green spaces and their value to Elmbridge’s identity. These and much more have been included in the Elmbridge Design Code.
The Elmbridge Design Code has been truly shaped by the Elmbridge community and we are proud to be one of the first Councils in England to have a Design Code ready for adoption.
Councillor Robin Stephens, Portfolio Holder for Planning, Enterprise and Local Economy