29 April update
The car park has now fully reopened. Thank you for your patience during the part closure.
Is your business impacted by ongoing repair work?
Thames Water realise that sometimes your business may be unavoidably affected by ongoing works. You can visit their website for their business loss of profits policy statement and claim details.
8 April: Thames Water apologises for he ongoing inconvenience
Thames Water understand everyone’s frustration at the length of time the work to repair a burst wastewater pipe at Churchfield Road car park in Weybridge is taking and apologises for the impact this is having on the community.
See Thames Water: Churchfield Road for the latest information.
21 March: Car park reopens with limited spaces
Due to emergency work by Thames Water, access to Churchfield Road car park is restricted with approximately 90 spaces including 9 disabled bays and 4 electric vehicle charging bays.
Please be careful of the Thames Water vehicles when driving in or out of the car park.
The car parks on Baker Street and Monument Hill are also available.
Thames Water: Churchfield Road
17 March: Car park closed
Due to emergency work being carried out by Thames Water, Churchfield Road car park in Weybridge is closed.
At this time, we don’t know when the car park will reopen.
We are working with Thames Water to have the situation resolved ASAP and we apologise for the inconvenience this will cause.
The council car parks on Baker Street and Monument Hill remain open.
The Weybridge Centre for the Community is open today (Monday 18 March) between 10am and 3pm.
For further information see Thames Water: Churchfield Road.
We will continue to update this webpage.