Deadline extended to 10 May 2024
From 25 March to 10 May, we are asking for views on Elmbridge’s Contaminated Land Strategy and Planning Guidance for the redevelopment of land potentially affected by contamination.
There are two parts to this consultation – planning guidance and a contaminated land strategy.
For the planning guidance, we would like to hear from our residents, together with other interested parties and experts in the field.
Like all areas of the British Isles and across the world, industry and previous land use has left a legacy of brownfield land (land that is unsuitable for new purposes, underutilised or abandoned due to pollution from industrial use).
The best opportunity to bring that land back into full, beneficial use is while undergoing redevelopment under the Planning system. We are committed to this goal and this document provides guidance to developers, their contractors and consultants, on the requirements necessary to successfully and efficiently bring land affected by contamination into its new use in Elmbridge.
You can review the draft Planning Guidance document.
Complete the Planning Guidance for the redevelopment of land potentially affected by contamination
For the Contaminated Land Strategy, we have prepared a high-level document that sets out our commitment to dealing with land contamination in the borough for the protection of our residents and environment. It outlines how we intend to bring brownfield and derelict land back into beneficial use in line with our vision for a sustainable and thriving Elmbridge.
For both parts of the Contaminated Land Strategy and Planning Guidance we would like to hear from our residents, together with other interested parties and experts in the field.
You can review the draft Contaminated Land Strategy document.