The Elmbridge Countryside Team invites you to join them on their programme of summer guided walks around Esher Commons.
Our Countryside Ranger Susy will lead the walks and guide you through the various habitats of Esher Commons. She will introduce you to the rare species that can be found there and give the site its conservation designation of SSSI status (Site of Special Scientific Interest).
She will explain how our rangers manage local commons to enhance biodiversity and balance their important conservation work while making sure sites are for visitors.
All walks are free to join. Here is the programme for the summer:
Tuesday 16 July and Wednesday 17 July: incredible insects workshops
Esher Commons. 10am to 12pm.
A mid-summer foray around West End Common (16 July) and Esher Common (17 July) in search of dragonflies, beetles, bees, butterflies and other invertebrates. Meet: Horseshoe Clump car park, opposite Blackhills, Portsmouth Road, Esher KT10 9JL.
Wednesday 7 August: Summer wildflower identification workshop
Esher Commons. 10am to 12pm.
A botanical foray to identify wildflowers, their unusual names and the insects that rely on them. Spot wildlife like dragonflies, lizards and beetles too. Meet: Horseshoe Clump car park, opposite Blackhills, Portsmouth Road, Esher KT10 9JL.
Wednesday 14 August: The secret life of heathland tour
Esher Commons. 10am to 12pm.
Discover the story of this ancient semi-natural habitat, home to rare and specialised flora and fauna. We’ll look back at the heathland distant and recent pasts, explore how it was formed and how we preserve it now. We’ll take a close look at some of the specialist wildlife that live here. Meet: Copsem Lane car park, Copsem Lane, Esher KT10 9HH
The countryside guided walks are free to join. It is essential to book your spaces in advance by emailing countryside@elmbridge.gov.uk as spaces are limited.