As part of our summer ‘Keep Elmbridge Tidy’ campaign, we are inviting dog owners and walkers to follow a new Dog Walkers Charter to ensure everybody can enjoy safe and enjoyable visits to our open spaces and countryside sites.
It is a simple code of conduct asking dog owners and walkers to clean up after their dog(s) and always keep them under close control.
We understand that most dog owners and walkers use Elmbridge’s open spaces and green spaces responsibly. This charter aims to support and encourages all dog walkers to respect and protect the environment.
There is never an excuse for dog fouling. It is not only harmful to the environment but preventing visitors from enjoying their time outdoors. We have installed dual use bins (for litter and dog waste) in all our open spaces in the last two years and these can be used for dog waste. Please remember: any public bin will do! We also ask dog owners to encourage others to pick up after their dogs and be ready to spare a waste bag to those without, if necessary.
It is important that dog walkers always keep their pets under control to keep others and the wildlife safe. While most of us are comfortable around pets, not everybody is confident around animals and can be anxious, especially when meeting large groups of dogs.
Protecting our wildlife
We also often forget that some of our countryside sites are home to rare wildlife and species that are particularly vulnerable, especially during bird nesting season as they nest close to the ground and are exposed to animals or people straying away from main footpaths. Please help us protect them by keeping to main paths as much as possible.
We want everyone to enjoy Elmbridge’s sites and dog walkers are welcome to visit. We understand the huge benefits of spending time in green spaces for everybody’s physical and mental wellbeing. By following our simple Dog Walkers Charter, we are hoping that everybody will be able to share open spaces respectfully as well as protecting their favourite local open spaces.