In Elmbridge, we want everyone to have the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of living an active life and have access to a diverse range of physical activities to improve both their physical and mental wellbeing no matter what their personal circumstances.
We are pleased to announce that the applications for the annual Grant Aid for local sports clubs and sports people will open at 9am on Monday 15 April and close at 9am on Friday 17 May. A total amount of £10,000 is available to apply for this year.
This scheme is available to help sports clubs based in Elmbridge to provide greater opportunities for a wide range of people to participate and compete in sport. Grants may be awarded towards the cost of buying equipment, tournaments or competitions, and publicity. Sports clubs are eligible to apply for grant aid up to a maximum of £750 per club.
The Grant Aid Scheme can also help individual sportspeople reach their full potential by giving them support with their training costs, purchase of equipment to assist with performance or travelling expenses. They can apply for a maximum of £350.
If you are a sports club or an individual athlete needing funding, send us your application before 17 May. Find Sports Aid application forms and further information. If you need further assistance, email sport@elmbridge.gov.uk or call 01372 474570.