The audited statement of accounts 2022 to 2023 for Elmbridge Borough Council is now available. Cllr Alex Coomes, Chairperson of the Audit and Standards Committee, and Cllr Rollings, Portfolio Holder for Finance and Resources, wish to express their gratitude to the team involved for their hard work and diligence.
The Audit of Elmbridge Borough Council’s accounts for 2022 to 2023 have been signed off by Auditors Grant Thornton without qualification.
Under the circumstances, and with the known national issue relating to delays in the auditing of council’s accounts I feel it is important to recognise all the hard work that went into achieving this, Elmbridge being the first council in Surrey to have their accounts signed off for the 2022 to 2023 financial year.
Auditing is not the glamorous part of accounting and auditors are often overlooked when the headlines are written but they are essential in all organisations to show that everything is being done correctly and, most importantly for Elmbridge’s residents, that public monies are being spent wisely and accounted for correctly. Having an audited set of accounts, allows the council to plan financially from an independently verified position.
Cllr Alex Coomes, Chairperson of the Audit and Standards Committee
Cllr Rollings, Portfolio Holder for Finance