Centres for the Community - Temporary closures week commencing August 5
Due to staff shortages we have had to take the difficult decision to close two Centres for the Community each day for the week commencing 5 August.
Centres will be closed as follows for that week:
- Monday 5 August: Hersham and Cobham closed
- Tuesday 6 August : Weybridge and Claygate closed
- Wednesday 7 August: Non opening day.
- Thursday 8 August: Hersham and Molesey closed
- Friday 9 August: Cobham and Walton closed
Remaining Centres will be open as usual from 10am-3pm, with a warm welcome to any residents who want to join them. Activities, hot food, hair and foot services will be available.
Members on Community Transport will be taken to an alternative Centre, where remaining staff will be supporting them. Hirers will also be contacted if their hire of the building will be affected.
All Centres will be open as normal from Monday 12 August.
We apologise for the inconvenience this will cause. If you have any concerns or queries please contact your local Centre.
Walton Centre for the Community - Closed for refurbishment 26 August-6 September
Walton Centre for the Community will be closed from Monday 26 August to Friday 6 September to undergo essential replacement of their water system.
Centre staff will be contacting all Centre members, users and hirers with details of the closure and to offer alternative arrangements at other Centres where appropriate.
Find out what's happening at your Centres for the Community
Our Centres for the Community are now open Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, 10am to 3pm, with a range of activities and services to help members make friends, stay active and have fun.
Weekly activities programmes for all Centres are available below:
You can also find out news about upcoming events on our Facebook page.