Update 27 February 2025: Withdrawal of Local Plan
Residents will be aware that after two stages of the Elmbridge draft Local Plan Examination in Public, the Planning Inspector informed us in September 2024 that she would deem the Plan “unsound” in its current form, meaning it would not be approved.
Despite our protests and lobbying, the Inspector issued her final decision in October 2024 giving the Council two options. This decision stands and on 4 February, Elmbridge Cabinet will be asked to recommend to Council that the Elmbridge Local Plan is withdrawn from Examination in Public, and to agree to start the process of preparing a new Local Plan for Elmbridge.
In parallel, Cabinet will be also asked to approve the Local Development Scheme 2025 – 2028 (LDS) which will set out the timetable for the preparation of a new Elmbridge Local Plan, subject to agreement at Council on 26 February that the draft Elmbridge Local Plan can be withdrawn from examination.
Late last year government announced that all Local Planning Authorities must create, publish, and submit a new Local Development Scheme by March 6 2025, therefore Elmbridge must work at pace to have a LDS ready by the deadline. They have also stated that producing Local Plans must not be delayed by Devolution and Local Government Reorganisation.
Local Development Scheme 2025 – 2028
In setting out a timetable for the preparation of a new Local Plan, the Local Development Scheme, reflects our current understanding of the upcoming government reforms. It will be reviewed and updated as needed when these reforms are officially introduced later in 2025. This approach ensures Elmbridge is well-prepared and adaptable to future changes.
The draft Elmbridge Local Plan will be produced under the new plan making arrangements due to come into effect in the summer/autumn of 2025.The Local Development Scheme has been prepared with this in mind.
The LDS may also require review and amendments in light of forthcoming Devolution and Local Government Reorganisation in Surrey.
If the Cabinet approves the LDS, it is dependent on the Council's decision to withdraw the draft Elmbridge Local Plan from examination. If withdrawal is agreed, the LDS will be published on our website and submitted to the government by March 6, 2025.
What does this mean for Elmbridge?
Residents can be reassured that we have planning policies in place such as the Elmbridge Design Code to protect the borough and to ensure development is in keeping with design standards, climate change initiatives and infrastructure demands.
We will continue to leverage national and regional planning policies, such as the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), which includes protections for heritage sites, and areas of outstanding natural beauty.
We will continue to ensure that development proposals in the borough achieve high standards, and the necessary infrastructure. Most importantly, we remain committed to ensuring that our residents have a voice in shaping Elmbridge.
Cllr Caroline James,
Portfolio Holder for Planning Policy
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