18 March 2025
We are aware of inaccurate information circulating regarding the development of Elm Grove in Walton-on-Thames. When incorrect information circulates it creates unnecessary worry and we apologise for that.
Included in this information is the assertion that on site tenants such as the Elmbridge Eco Hub are being forced to leave their current location. In the case of the Eco Hub, the team is positive and optimistic about their move to Coronation Recreation Ground in Hersham. This new location is giving them a permanent home, allowing them to enhance their services and increase their positive impact on our community.
The potential development of Elm Grove will be discussed at the Elmbridge Cabinet meeting on 24 April (which will be webcast). At that meeting Cabinet members will discuss the options for the site in the context of the business case presented and the results of the residents’ consultation from November / December 2024.
All information about Elm Grove is on the council’s website. The Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council have also been hosting events around Elmbridge in recent weeks, including in Walton, discussing Elm Grove (among other topics) and answering any questions from residents.
If the answer to your query on Elm Grove is missing from the website, please email communications@elmbridge.gov.uk and we will ensure it is added.
11 March 2025
Elm Grove will no longer be on the agenda for the Elmbridge Cabinet meeting in March. In order to work through the full details and information needed with our NHS partners and on site tenants, we will defer the report until a special Cabinet meeting in April. The results of the consultation will be published with the reports for the special Cabinet meeting on 24 April.
December 2024
The Shaping Elm Grove engagement is live from Monday 18 November until midnight on 18 December 2024
- Drop-in session 1: 26 November, 11:30am-1:30pm, the reception area of Case House, 85-89 High Street, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, KT12 1DZ.
- Drop-in session 2: 3 December, 4:30-6:30pm, the Xcel Leisure Complex, Waterside Drive, Walton-on-Thames KT12 2JG
After considering your feedback and adopting the Development Brief for Elm Grove in Walton-on-Thames, we would like to hear your comments on our emerging proposals for Elm Grove. Your thoughts and opinions are valuable to us, and we invite you to share any further views you may have about this site.
Elmbridge Borough Council is seeking to develop part of the Elm Grove site for either a new NHS neighbourhood Health Hub or for housing, including affordable homes.
Redevelopment of the site will facilitate improvements to Elm Grove recreation ground, including play area enhancements and more trees to help alleviate flooding on site.
Enhancing health and wellbeing with a new neighbourhood Health Hub
Collaboratively, Elmbridge Borough Council and your local NHS are aiming to transform the delivery of health and care services. Together, we can bring a range of essential services into one convenient location for the community.
The focus is to support people in their own communities ensuring they can access the right service at the right time.
The Elm Grove site is ideally positioned for this and will allow expansion of both primary care, community health and wellbeing and care services. It will support the population health needs now and as the community grows.
The site offers a unique opportunity for a broad mix of professionals from health, care, voluntary and community sectors to work together. Being in one place, teams can share expertise, reduce duplication, and focus efforts on the needs of the people of Walton-on-Thames.
- Bring services together
A new Health Hub at Elm Grove would offer integrated services, benefiting the local community with a modern, purpose-built space for GPs to deliver care. Health, care and wellbeing teams can work together supporting people to take control of their own health and working with individuals on what is important to them. Health Hubs allow people to see the right person at the right time, in their community and deliver consistency in care.
- From hospital to the community
Health Hubs provide a variety of services right in your community, including basic medical care, diagnostic tests, and even some minor surgeries. They offer comprehensive care close to home, which means fewer trips to the hospital and less strain on hospital resources, benefiting everyone.
- Future proofing
As our population grows, Health Hubs are ready to meet the evolving health needs of everyone. They are cost-effective, reducing daily expenses so more funds can be reinvested into community health and wellbeing. Built with modern, sustainable practices, these hubs support the NHS’s net-zero goals. Their flexible design allows rooms to adapt to the changing needs of patients and new healthcare methods.
Local health practitioners and community providers are collaborating with Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership to shape these exciting plans.
The options for Elm Grove
We understand the importance of Elm Grove to our community. The decision on whether to develop homes or a Health Hub will depend on the available space.
Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate a neighbourhood Health Hub or an optimum number of homes on the site, if Walton Bowling Club and the Eco Hub remain in situ.
- We have been in discussions with the team at the Eco Hub about possible relocation for some time now. We are confident that together, we can find them a permanent home that meets their needs and allows them to continue contributing positively to our community.
- For Walton-on-Thames Bowling Club, we are continuing to talk to them about their future plans and we are committed to supporting them as best we can.
- Surrey County Council’s Youth Centre and the Walton Montessori nursery are not impacted.
Your views matter
In this latest community engagement on Elm Grove, we are asking your views on the possible development of the site including the value you would place on a new neighbourhood health hub for Walton.
We have an online survey available to capture your views but as always if you would like this in another format please email: communications@elmbridge.gov.uk.
We will also be available for the below in-person sessions, where you can hear more about the possible neighbourhood health hub and understand more about the options of the site.
- Drop-in session 1:
26 November, 11:30am-1:30pm, the reception area of Case House,85-89 High Street, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, KT12 1DZ.
- Drop-in session 2:
3 December, 4:30-6:30pm, the Xcel Leisure Complex, Waterside Drive, Walton-on-Thames KT12 2JG
The views captured during this engagement will be reported to Elmbridge Cabinet as part of an options report in the new year.
Many thanks for your contributions, and we look forward to seeing you at our drop-in sessions – no booking needed.
Cllr Simon Waugh,
Deputy Leader, Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Culture and Commercial Strategy
More information on Shaping Elm Grove
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