Love Elmbridge award winners announced for 2023 The Love Elmbridge Awards celebrate the brightest and best businesses across the borough, and we are now pleased to announce the winners for 2023. 30 August 2023
Gambling policy review We are consulting on changes to our gambling policy and would like to hear your views. 2 August 2023
Hollyhedge Road car park: new zone for parking up to 5 hours starts Tuesday 29 August Parking zones to be introduced at Hollyhedge Road car park. 26 July 2023
30-minute free parking pilot in Walton 30-minutes free parking will be considered in Walton. 27 June 2023
Development works kick off at the Elmbridge Xcel Leisure Complex following Places Leisure’s £6m investment in facilities The latest information on the development works at the Xcel leisure complex. 5 June 2023
Supporting sustainable and thriving businesses with £100K in Green Business Boost funding These grants can be used to help fund investment in energy saving products. 23 May 2023
Our Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking and Safeguarding Statement Elmbridge Cabinet has agreed its annual Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking and Safeguarding Statement. 16 March 2023
Our Enterprise Elmbridge Action Plan The new strategy and action plan will support our local businesses and high streets. 16 March 2023
Feeling safe in Elmbridge We have seen good results from the Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) in central Walton. 8 March 2023