The car park is close to shops and restaurants in Molesey.
Operating hours
Charges apply Monday to Saturday, 9am to 6pm
Charges do not apply on Sundays, bank holidays or public holidays
Monday to Friday chargesTime | Charge |
Up to 1 hour | £1.10 |
Up to 2 hours | £2.20 |
Up to 3 hours | £3.30 |
Up to 4 hours | £4.50 |
Daily charge (over 4 hours) | £5 |
Saturday chargesTime | Charge |
Up to 1 hour | Free* |
Up to 2 hours | £1.10 |
Up to 3 hours | £2.20 |
Up to 4 hours | £3.30 |
Daily charge (over 4 hours) | £5 |
*You must get a ticket for the free hour on Saturday.
All our pay and display car parks offer free parking for Blue Badge holders when displaying a valid Blue Badge.
You can pay by cash at the Pay and Display machine or use RingGo.
RingGo location number: 15566
Car park permits
The following permits are available for this car park:
Number of spaces: 138
Disabled bays: 3