Street name signs for publicly owned roads
We will replace missing, damaged, illegible or unrepairable street name signs for all publicly owned roads.
All other types of road signs (road works and directional signage) are the responsibility of Surrey County Council, see road signs: Surrey County Council.
Report a street name sign
Complete the form to report a street name sign:
After you report a damaged street name sign
We will investigate reports of damaged or missing signs within 7 days.
Where possible, we will repair street name signs. When a replacement is needed or agreed, we will add to the next order.
We place orders in batches. Depending on the number of reports we receive at any time, replacement may take between 3 and 6 months.
If a missing or damaged street name sign is causing significant issues or poses a risk to public safety, we will fast track an order.
Signs or notices fixed to street name signs
Additional signs or notices must not be fixed to council street name signs (for example, ‘For Sale’, ‘No Turning’ or ‘Private Road’). We may remove these signs and place them in storage. The owner of the sign will have 30 days to collect it before we dispose of it.
Street name signs for new streets (new developments)
Developers can purchase signs for new streets from us or independently.
All street name signs should be designed to the Elmbridge specification. Please email for a copy of the specification.
Order a street name sign for a new street
Complete the form to order a street name sign: