Comments from residents on planning applications are important when considering any development that needs planning permission. We encourage residents to get involved in the ways set out in:
Guidance for commenting on planning applications
The planning case officer can only refer to 'material consideration' when recommending a decision. Comments that contain 'material considerations' will be weighed in the final decision process according to their seriousness and relative importance.
Commonly raised items are listed below. The lists are not exhaustive and are only provided as guidance.
We can consider:
- the building:
- design, appearance and materials
- overlooking or loss of privacy
- visual amenity
- layout and density of the building
- loss of light or overshadowing
- disabled persons' access
- natural and historic environment:
- landscaping or loss of trees
- effect on conservation areas and listed buildings
- nature conservation or archaeology
- impact of the development
- adequacy of parking, loading or turning
- highway safety or traffic generation
- noise, smells and disturbance
- hazardous materials
- other considerations:
- local and national policies and guidance
- previous planning decisions (including appeal decisions)
We cannot consider:
- the perceived loss of property value
- private disputes between neighbours
- disputes over ownership, fences or rights of way
- the loss of a private view
- the impact or disruption caused by construction work
- restrictive covenants
- morals or personal views about the applicant
- building regulation issues including structural stability, drainage, fire precautions, hygiene and internal space
- any alleged breaches of planning control, see report a planning breach
- comments that are anonymous or contain offensive, defamatory or discriminatory language
Comments that are anonymous or contain offensive, defamatory or discriminatory language will not be considered when we decide the application and may also be removed from the application case file.
Your comments may still be viewable on our website before being removed. It is your responsibility to ensure you do not include any offensive, defamatory or discriminatory language in your comments as you could be held legally responsible for this in the future.
We have no obligation to consider comments that are received after the formal consultation period has closed. However, officers will normally seek to consider any comments received prior to determining the application.
Where an application is considered by a Planning or Sub-Committee, any late comments will not be considered if they are received after noon on the Friday before the date of the Committee meeting.
If you have a disability, health condition or specific learning difficulty requiring adjustments to our processes, please let us know.
How to comment
Find the application you want to comment on and select 'Comment on this application'.
What happens after you comment
We cannot acknowledge comments, or respond to questions raised, as we receive such a high number. However, we may contact you for further information. Any comments you make about a planning application will be published on our website, including your name and address.
To keep informed of the progress of an application sign up for planning alerts. For details of committee agendas and public speaking details see planning committees. Once a decision has been made on an application, you can view the report and decision notice on the website. These can be accessed on the planning application details page under the Plans and Documents tab.
Viewing planning documents in person
If you would like to view planning documents in person, we have dedicated computers in our reception area with access to the planning search. If you would like help viewing these documents, please contact the planning team to arrange an appointment. We do not provide document printing.
Applications received from neighbouring authorities
We are unable to accept comments for applications received from neighbouring authorities or Surrey County Council. If you wish to comment, please search for the application on the relevant authority’s website and follow their procedure to comment.
Use of the planning search
The information available on the planning database does not constitute a full planning history for a site, and must not be used as a substitute for carrying out a formal local land charges search.
You may only use material that is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.