Class MA – Class E (commercial, business and service) to residential (C3) Change of use of a building used as shops, office or other uses with Class E to a dwelling | - relevant consultees as per site constraints
- site notice
| - transport impacts
- contamination risks
- flooding risks
- impact of noise from commercial premises on intended occupiers
- impact of character or sustainability of conservation area (if within a conservation area)
- provision of adequate natural light
- where development involves loss of registered nursery or health centre, the impact on local provision of the type of services lost
- gross internal floor area of at least 37 square metres
- compliance with nationally described space standard
- has been in commercial use for at least two years. The range of eligible uses are set out in the regulations
| Officer delegated. Committee meetings do not take place for prior approvals. |
Class PA - Light industrial (B1c) to residential (C3) Change of use of a building used for light industrial processes to a dwelling | - relevant consultees as per site constraints
- site notice
| - transport and highways impacts
- contamination risk
- flooding risks
- whether the site is within an area important for providing industrial services
- provision of adequate natural light
- whether the size of the proposal is within permitted limits
- gross internal floor area of at least 37 square metres
- compliance with nationally described space standard
| Officer delegated. Committee meetings do not take place for prior approvals. |
Class P - Storage and distribution (B8) to residential (C3) Change of use of a building used for storage/distribution to a dwelling | - relevant consultees as per site constraints
- site notice
| - impact of air quality on intended occupiers
- transport and highways impacts
- contamination risk
- flooding risk
- noise impacts
- whether the site is within an area important for providing industrial services
- whether the size of the proposal is within permitted limits
- gross internal floor area of at least 37 square metres
- compliance with nationally described space standard
| Officer delegated. Committee meetings do not take place for prior approvals. |
Class Q - Agricultural buildings to residential (C3) Change of use of a building from agricultural to a dwelling | - relevant consultees as per site constraints
- site notice
| - transport and highways impacts
- noise impacts
- contamination risks
- flooding risks
- whether the location or siting of the building makes the development impractical/undesirable
- whether the size of the proposal is within permitted limits
- gross internal floor area of at least 37 square metres
- compliance with nationally described space standard
| Officer delegated. Committee meetings do not take place for prior approvals. |