Grants and funding
High street independents, as well as small and medium enterprises across Elmbridge, can now benefit from new green business boost funding to help them become more sustainable by reducing their carbon emissions.
Set your goals
Setting targets for your business to reduce emissions and overall energy and water consumption is a great way to start. Why not consider the following:
Measuring and analysing your carbon footprint
To understand how you are impacting the climate as a business, the first step you need to take is to measure your greenhouse gases.
The Carbon Footprint Calculator (The Carbon Trust) is designed to help UK based Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).
For a more in-depth measurement, there are many third party companies that will conduct your carbon footprint for you and measure your greenhouse gases.
Sustainable procurement
Find out more through our sustainable procurement policies.
Single Use Plastics Campaign for local businesses
We have prepared a media pack for you to download to support the campaign, including a poster, a social media banner and a video.
Social media image:
Watch the video on YouTube and then choose the download option to save it.
Anti-idling business pledge
Idling is when a car engine is running for more than 30 seconds yet the car is not moving. Polluted air from idling can have negative impacts on health, the environment and can also waste money and fuel.
Your business can get involved by signing a pledge to become an idle free organisation. You’ll receive a useful anti-idling pack to encourage you and your employees to switch off your engines with posters and anti-idling car/shop window stickers. Email to sign up and receive a pack.