Bin collections and services over Christmas
Bin collection calendars for 2025 are available using the postcode search on check your bin collection day.
Renew or sign up to join the garden waste service
The garden waste collection is an annual subscription service which runs between 1 April to 31 March. You will need to subscribe to the service before collections will start and bin(s) will be provided on loan. Your garden waste will be collected fortnightly.
We are now accepting renewals for the year 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025. If you do not currently have a subscription you can join the service and start receiving collections from 1 April 2024. Garden waste is collected fortnightly, normally on the same day as your refuse bin.
Once ordered your garden waste bins will be delivered within 14 days.
The garden waste service collects:
The service is subject to the garden waste terms and conditions.