Regulation 18: Strategic Options
This consultation was the first step in local plan-making and intended to seek the views of the community and other stakeholders on the Strategic Options for meeting development needs as part of the preparation of a new Local Plan. It set out the council’s preferred option for a new spatial strategy. Other social, economic and environmental planning topics were also presented for comment.
The consultation took place from Friday 16 December 2016 to Friday 24 February 2017.
For full details of the consultation alongside the responses, please see the Strategic Options Consultation.
Regulation 18: The Options
As a result of the consultation responses from the Strategic Options consultation, the updated National Planning Policy Framework, Planning Practice Guidance and in particular the introduction of the new Standard Methodology for calculating housing need, it was considered appropriate to review and re-evaluate the options. The review and re-evaluation included additional technical work which led to the identification of five options for housing growth, including the evolved original three options. The options consultation was the second Regulation 18 consultation that was undertaken to inform the Local Plan.
The consultation took place from Monday 19 August 2019 to Monday 30 September 2019.
For full details of the consultation alongside the responses, please see the Options Consultation.
Regulation 18: Creating our vision, objectives and direction for development management policies 2020
The purpose of this consultation was to seek views on what the vision and objectives for the borough should be and the direction of the development management policies. These were informed by previous residents’ and stakeholders’ views, the emerging Local Plan evidence base, the on-going Sustainability Appraisal, as well as national policy and legislation.
This consultation took place from Monday 27 January 2020 to 9 March 2020.
For full details of the consultation alongside the responses, please see the Creating our Vision Consultation.
Regulation 19: The Draft Local Plan
The representations stage presented what the council considers to be the final version of the Elmbridge Local Plan. The public engagement at this stage allowed interested parties to comment on the draft Plan and supporting information before it is submitted to the Inspector for examination. The council asked for representations on legal compliance (including duty to cooperate), and the four tests of soundness - namely whether the Plan is positively prepared, justified, effective and consistent with national policy.
The regulation 19 stage took place from Friday 17 June 2022 to 29 July 2022.
For full details of this stage alongside the responses, please see Regulation 19.