Withdrawal of Local Plan Full Council resolved on 26 February 2025 to withdraw the Regulation 22 Submission version of the Elmbridge Local Plan 2037. Examination overview Details of the submission, appointed Planning Inspector and Programme Officer. Hearing sessions Details of the Local Plan Examination hearing sessions. Regulation 20 representations Representations received on the pre-submission (Regulation 19) Draft Local Plan. Submission documents Core documents submitted to the Planning Inspector for examination. Examination documents Documents following submission, including correspondence between the Inspector and Council. Evidence base Full list of documents that provide evidence to support the Local Plan. Interactive policies map This page provides you with an interactive map that displays the Draft Policies.
Withdrawal of Local Plan Full Council resolved on 26 February 2025 to withdraw the Regulation 22 Submission version of the Elmbridge Local Plan 2037.
Regulation 20 representations Representations received on the pre-submission (Regulation 19) Draft Local Plan.
Examination documents Documents following submission, including correspondence between the Inspector and Council.
Interactive policies map This page provides you with an interactive map that displays the Draft Policies.