22 February update - Securing a sustainable future for Hurst Pool
The £716,430 refurbishment programme for Hurst Pool was approved by Council last night.
It will extend the life of the pool and considerably improve the customer experience with new modern changing rooms and upgraded décor throughout. In addition, Council approved additional energy funding to improve Hurst Pool’s operational efficiency and so reduce the impact on the environment; bringing the community a new modern, fit for purpose and sustainable facility for the future.
Following the public consultation, we will consider your request of a café facility or improved vending machines and explore possible options.
We look forward to starting the refurbishment works in the autumn and will keep you informed of the upgrades and timeline.
This refurbishment forms part of the continuing development and improvements being delivered to support the needs and improve the health and wellbeing of local communities in Elmbridge.
8 February update
Elmbridge Cabinet has recommended the £700K investment in Hurst Pool to Council for decision on 21 February.
Over £700K to be invested in Hurst Pool
Following our proposal to refurbish and improve the existing facilities at Hurst Pool in Molesey and subsequent public consultation to gather the pool’s customers and visitors’ views on the proposed refurbishment, we are now recommending that Elmbridge Cabinet (7 February) proceeds with the refurbishment works at a total cost of £716,430.
Through prudent financial management and a Vision for Elmbridge that prioritises residents and quality services, we are able to bring forward this investment in our leisure facilities in support of a thriving and sustainable Elmbridge.
The refurbishment of Hurst Pool is part of our Transformation Programme and will enable this much-loved facility to continue operating effectively in the longer term, with the refurbishment programme contributing to a more energy efficient and sustainable leisure facility in line with our pledge to become carbon neutral by 2030.
Engaging with residents
We ran an online survey about the pool refurbishment from 28 November to 29 January and arranged drop-in sessions at Hurst Pool to gauge the views of residents. The results can be viewed at on our consultation webpage.
96% of respondents were in favour of the refurbishment and 86% thought that making Hurst Pool energy efficient and sustainable was important.
This feedback gave us valuable insights into what mattered the most to you in relation the refurbishment the refurbishment. You suggested a complete overhaul and new layout for the changing village, with new changing rooms, lockers, toilets, and shower facilities. You wished to have access to a more welcoming viewing/gallery area close to the new reception area and café facilities.
These ideas will be explored in detail (including café facilities adapted to the space) with Places Leisure, who will lead the refurbishment programme on our behalf.
We remain committed to giving our residents access to modern and sustainable leisure and sports facilities that best benefit our community as part of our 2030 Vision for Elmbridge. We believe the Hurst Pool refurbishment will meet the needs of the service, the community, while ensuring the financial stability of the council.
Cllr Simon Waugh - Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Culture and Commercial Strategy
Watch the February Cabinet on webcast
Drop-in dates now confirmed
Thursday 4 January: 7-8am and 6-7.30pm
Tuesday 9 January: 9-10am and 6-7.30pm
Hurst Pool – enhance and improve: update – 28 November
Earlier this year in July, we said we would explore three feasibility options for Hurst Pool in Molesey.
- Refurbish and improve the existing facilities at Hurst Pool.
- To adapt and extend existing facilities - provide enhanced facilities plus the opportunity for gyms, studio, splash pad and cafe.
- Build a new swimming and health facility – beside the existing building so as not to close the pools temporarily, provide enhanced sport, leisure, and wellbeing activities internally and externally.
We have now considered all these options, the needs of the service, the needs of the community and financial stability of the council and we are recommending that the most prudent option is to refurbish Hurst Pool.
It was right to explore in an open and public way what might be feasible and having done that the course of action we should follow is clear.
Refurbishment of Hurst Pool to the value of £0.65M will improve the customer experience by upgrading of the changing village and reception area. Plus, we will undertake infrastructure work at the Pool to reduce its carbon emissions in support of our carbon neutral ambitions, all of which will extend the life of a much used and much-loved facility.
Elmbridge is a financially resilient council, that comes through prudent spending and investment decisions. We simply cannot undertake major renovations works at this time without being confident we have the funding in place (possibly £26M+) to deliver a project of this scale.
Based on a refurbishment plan for Hurst Pool, residents and Hurst Pool customers are also welcome to share their views, please complete the Hurst Pool survey, which will be open until end of day 31 January 2024.
We will also arrange some informal drop-in sessions at Hurst Pool to talk with users and residents through the refurbishment plans. Dates and times to follow.
Complete the Hurst Pool survey
Further information
6 July - update following July Cabinet
At Cabinet last night, 5 July, Councillors agreed to explore three feasibility options for Hurst Pool in Molesey.
The options to progress are:
- Refurbish the existing facilities - no enhancements to the Hurst Pool and continue as is.
- To adapt and extend existing facilities - provide enhanced facilities plus the opportunity for gyms, studio, splash pad and cafe.
- Build a new swimming and health facility – beside the existing building so as not to close the pools temporarily, provide enhanced sport, leisure, and wellbeing activities internally and externally.
Hurst Pool is a high user of energy and water and any facility improvement would provide the opportunity to deliver an environmentally sustainable swimming pool/leisure facility, significantly reducing the carbon footprint of the facility with an aspiration to be carbon neutral.
Work will now progress to fully cost and assess these options before coming back to Elmbridge Cabinet later in the year.
No decision has been made on which of these options will be taken forward, and each needs fully exploring before coming to a balanced decision.
As part of our process, we will engage with residents and the local community who will have the opportunity to provide their views.
The report to Elmbridge Cabinet has included possible funding for these options, including the strategic community infrastructure levy, applying for Sport England capital funding and enabling development of up to potentially 116 homes on the site, alongside the new leisure facilities. No decisions have been made. Funding will be assessed in more detail as part of the feasibility study and brought back to Elmbridge Cabinet later in the year.
It has been suggested that a fourth option should be added, to close the site and encourage biodiversity on a green space instead. However, the Leisure Facilities Strategy 2017-2035 identified that there will be an increased demand for swimming as a result of population growth through to 2035 and as such the community need suggests that the Hurst Pool should remain the valuable leisure site it is. This has been previously considered and discounted by Councillors.
Finally, we would like to reassure residents on the following:
- Any tree removal on Dunstall Way is not related to this proposal and was not carried out by Elmbridge Borough Council.
- In the event of any of the options progressing any construction or maintenance work on site will be conducted with the utmost respect for the local residents. Depending on how this project progresses, we will work with local residents to ensure minimum disruption.
We appreciate the queries, questions and comments received by residents and we will keep you updated on this project in the weeks and months ahead.
Additional information
How policy designations apply to the Molesey Hurst Recreation Ground
Molesey Hurst Recreation Ground forms part of the borough’s diverse range of spaces and features as well as the connections between them that make up our green infrastructure network. Under Policy DM20 (Open Space and views) of the Elmbridge Development Management Plan, the area would be considered existing open space with a mix of playing fields, formal recreation/play areas and amenity greenspace.
The main consideration for determining a planning application on Molesey Hurst Recreation Ground.
If an application for the redevelopment of Hurst Pool were submitted and included some of the surrounding recreation ground, one of the key considerations would be the loss of the play area and /or outdoor sports facilities.
The existing uses on the site form part of the borough’s green infrastructure network for which Policy CS14 – Green Infrastructure of the Core strategy (2011) states that the Council will protect, enhance and manage.
In seeking to protect areas of existing open space, sports and recreational buildings and land, including playing fields, Policy DM20 – Open Space and Views of the Development Management Plan (2015) states these should not be built on unless:
- An assessment has been undertaken which has clearly shown the open space, buildings or land to be surplus to requirements,
- The loss resulting from the proposed development would be replaced by equivalent or better provision in terms of quantity and quality in a suitable location, or
- The development is for alternative sports and recreation provision, the needs for which clearly outweigh the loss.
This approach is consistent with National Planning Policy.
Policy designation and the new Local Plan
The draft local plan continues our existing approach of protecting green spaces and recreational grounds in the borough. Any proposal to include enabling development on part of the recreation ground would need to carefully balance the harm of the development and loss of open space against the wider public benefit of the improved facilities.
27 June 2023
Hurst Pool is a much loved and quite traditional facility in Molesey. 'Much loved' as it attracts 157,000 visits on average each year, drawn to the simple swimming option it presents. 'Quite traditional' as there isn’t a gym, no studios, no cafe, none of the trappings now expected and wanted from leisure facilities such as our own Xcel Leisure Complex in Walton-on-Thames.
As an aging facility, now is the time for us to work through the future potential for Hurst Pool. On 5 July, Elmbridge Cabinet will be asked to support the development of three feasibility options associated with the future of Hurst Pool.
In all scenarios the swimming pools remain. This is an enhance and improve project designed to support a thriving and sustainable Elmbridge.
The Hurst Pool site including the wider recreation ground has so much potential – activity zone, walking / cycling / running loop, wildflower planting, improved football and cricket facilities, in addition to the potential to improve swimming, an internal splash pad, gym and activity rooms. There is an opportunity to create a sports and wellbeing space to truly benefit the community and compliment the basketball, play area, green space and water-based activities of Hurst Meadows close by.
What we need to consider in all of this is the health and wellbeing of residents, our need to be sustainable and reduce our impact on climate change and of course the costs involved in such an aspirational project. As our leisure facilities are high users of energy and water, the assessment of Hurst Pool provides us with an opportunity to consider an environmentally sustainable facility, by significantly reducing its carbon footprint and contributing to meeting our carbon net zero target.
We can choose to:
- Refurbish the existing facilities - no enhancements to the Hurst Pool and continue as is
- To adapt and extend existing facilities - provide enhanced facilities plus the opportunity for gyms, studio, splash pad and cafe
- Build a new swimming and health facility – beside the existing building so as not to close the pools temporarily, provide enhanced sport, leisure, and wellbeing activities internally and externally
It is important that current users and local residents feel part of these plans and that they are aligned with community need. We will develop an engagement and communications plan that includes face-to-face discussion, the presentation of potential ideas, as well as updates via our website and social media channels.
On 5 July, Elmbridge Cabinet will be asked to support the further work needed to assess these options, allowing for fully costed and assessed proposals to be presented for decision later in the autumn.
For more information, please see: