Development Management (DM) advice note prepared to protect biodiversity of Elmbridge An advice note has been published on how to encourage nature in all forms of development. 25 August 2023
The River Thames Scheme, reducing the risk from future flooding Project Director, Jeanne Capey talks about the flood relief aspects of the River Thames Scheme. 21 August 2023
Local Nature Recovery Strategy to be developed for Surrey Find out more about the development of a new strategy which will identify locations to improve nature and provide other environmental benefits. 11 July 2023
Elmbridge Borough Council installs solar panels at Civic Centre car park The installation of the solar panel car port is a great step forward for us as we strive to be a more sustainable Elmbridge. 6 July 2023
Supporting sustainable and thriving businesses with £100K in Green Business Boost funding These grants can be used to help fund investment in energy saving products. 23 May 2023
Plans for Hurst Pool As a part of the Vision and Transformation Programme, consideration is being given to the future of Hurst Pool. 19 April 2023
New Village Green on Stokes Field Local Nature Reserve The Voluntary Dedication will be sent to Surrey County Council to make the registration. 17 March 2023
Elmbridge Borough Council joins Surrey's newt conservation coalition NatureSpace It is great to work with NatureSpace on this scheme, which will ensure that the great crested newt habitat is increased and enhanced in Elmbridge. 13 March 2023
Inspiring the community to reduce waste Everything we do is centred around community, opportunity and environment. 8 March 2023