You can pay using debit, credit or prepaid card (we cannot accept credit cards for business rates, Council Tax or Business Improvement District payments).
We accept Delta, Maestro, Mastercard and Visa cards.
We accept online payments for:
- Business Improvement District (BID) payments
- business licences, permits and registration
- business rates (debit card or prepaid card only)
- Council Tax (we do not accept credit card payment, debit card or prepaid card only)
- garden waste - new customers and renewals
- housing benefit overpayments
- land charges
- new bin order
- car parking permits
- Penalty Charge Notices (PCNS or parking fines)
- planning fees
- bulky waste collection (bulky items)
- other invoices
Pay at a time that suits you
Paying online saves you time, with up to 80% of customers paying online.
Safe and secure
Using our online secure shopping basket, you know your payment is safe and secure.
Telephone payments
You can also use our automated phone payment system for Council Tax, business rates and Penalty Charge Notices. Call 0330 088 4695 and pay using a touch tone phone. Available 24 hours a day.
Council Tax and business rates
In 2018 new rules banned companies from charging any fees on card payments. This also applies to local authorities and other government agencies. As a result, we cannot accept credit cards for the payment of Council Tax, business rates and Business Improvement District payments.
For security reasons we are unable to accept payments of more than £5,000 in a single transaction and your card company or issuer may impose a lower limit for internet use of their card.