Self build register and brownfield land register privacy notice
We collect information about you to provide you with the following service: to enable the public to submit site information to the planning policy team for consideration in the preparation of planning policy documents and to allow the public to register their interest in building or commissioning your own home.
We can be contacted via the online contact form.
Lawful basis for collecting your personal data
Our lawful basis for processing your personal data under Article 6(1) of the UK GDPR is:
- public task: the processing is necessary for the performance a task in the public interest or for the exercise of official authority
The information we may collect
We use a database to hold contacts who have submitted sites to be included within our Brownfield Land Register (BLR). The database also holds any information submitted to us for purposes such as site details, site plans and any correspondence. We also have a database to hold contacts who wish to be added to the Self Build Register (SBR).
The data we collect is as follows: We collect and store your contact details including your name, address, postcode, email address and telephone number (should you give it) together with details about your household, the type of site that would suit your requirements and information about what you are likely to want to afford.
Why we collect this information
The Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017 require us to maintain a Brownfield Land Register of previously developed sites within the district, which may be capable of being redeveloped or converted to provide housing-led development.
The Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015 (as amended by the Housing and Planning Act 2016) requires us to keep a self-build and custom housebuilding register to hold details of people interested in custom or self-build options.
The collection of this information enables us to perform these functions and ensure that the information remains up to date. It also allows us to contact those identified as having an interest in the land/property to request more information and to keep them informed of the process.
Who we may share your information with
In relation to the BLR, only site details will be made publicly available. Name, company/organisation (if applicable), home/business address, telephone number, email address, status e.g. owner of site, planning agent, local resident will not be made publicly available. All information can be viewed by our officers in an un-redacted form internally on the planning database.
In relation to the SBR, no information is made publicly available. All information can be viewed by our officers internally on the database. Other internal departments may wish to access planning policy information and all information from the public domain will be shared with other internal departments.
What we do with your information
The BLR data is held on the database and used for preparing the BLR annually which informs the Local Plan and other planning policy documents. The SBR data is stored as a record on the database and may be used in the future for planning policy preparation.
How long we keep your information
All information submitted will be kept indefinitely until the record is no longer required, for example the site has been developed.
Your rights
You do have some legal rights in respect of the personal information we collect from you. Please see our corporate privacy notice for further details.
You can also contact our Data Protection Officer by email at
If you have a concern about the way we are collecting or using your personal data, you should raise your concern with us in the first instance or directly to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), see Information Commissioner's Office: Make a complaint.