Walton-on-Thames Safer Streets improvements update Extended CCTV coverage, new re-deployable cameras and car park improvements 25 January 2024
Water play strategy At September’s meeting of Elmbridge Cabinet, Councillors will be asked to consider a Water Play Strategy for the borough. 11 September 2023
Xcel open morning taster sessions to celebrate Older Persons Day Come along to Xcel open morning taster sessions and information hub to celebrate Older Persons Day. 6 September 2023
Second round of Elmbridge Borough Council cost of living fund now open How can we help your group to support the most vulnerable in our community? 5 September 2023
Statement on Elmbridge Connects strategy We would like to re-iterate our thoughts and plans for community support in Elmbridge. 28 March 2023
Want to find support, make a change or improve your wellbeing? Elmbridge Connects is a new website where you can connect with activities, events and support near you. 27 March 2023
Thames Ditton Centre for the Community We understand there are some questions among residents and businesses about the Thames Ditton Centre for the Community. 23 February 2023
Discussions continue on the future of the Civic Centre The Civic Centre needs to be more accessible and integrated into Esher High Street. 9 February 2023
Elmbridge cost of living fund The funding will be used to support Elmbridge residents. 8 February 2023