Vision 2030 (corporate plan) Our Vision is for a sustainable, thriving Elmbridge driven by the power of our community. To deliver this Vision, we will be a high performing, environmentally and financially sustainable organisation Asset Management Plan The plan for 2019 to 2024. Budget and medium term financial strategy Information about budgeted income and expenditure for 2025 to 2026 and the medium term financial strategy. Climate change plans Information on how we're reducing our carbon footprint and our journey to becoming carbon neutral. Communications strategy Our approach to communications in Elmbridge. Counter fraud policies Includes the anti-fraud and corruption strategy, whistleblowing policy, anti-money laundering policy and anti-tax evasion policy. Countryside strategy 2023 to 2028 Strategic direction for the management of our countryside sites for the next 5 years. Environmental health and licensing enforcement policy Read our policy on environmental health and licensing enforcement. Equality data and workforce monitoring Workforce monitoring reports, gender pay gap reports and public sector apprenticeship target reporting. Equality, diversity and inclusion Our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion. Strategies and policies on housing Read our housing, homelessness and rough sleeping strategy, tenancy strategy and housing allocation policy. ICT digital strategy Our ICT digital strategy ensures Elmbridge has the capability to design, build and deliver truly digital services that empower our community and our organisation. Knowing our Communities Elmbridge demographic information. Modern slavery, human and trafficking and safeguarding statement This statement sets out our actions to understand all potential modern slavery risks and to ensure there is no slavery or human trafficking in our business and its supply chains. Off-street car parking strategy Find out more about the off-street car parking strategy. Physical activity and leisure facilities strategies Strategies to improve physical activity levels in Elmbridge. Planning policy and guidance Our current planning policies and guidance. Play development strategy Elmbridge's future vision for play. Productivity Plan Our Productivity Plan sets out what we have done in recent years, alongside our current plans, to improve our productivity and efficiency. Sustainable procurement policy This policy demonstrates our commitment to sustainable procurement. Single Use Plastics policy This policy demonstrates our commitment to reducing single use plastic across the borough. UK Shared Prosperity Fund About the UK Shared Prosperity and the Elmbridge investment plan. Unacceptable behaviour We do not expect our employees to tolerate unacceptable behaviour and will take firm action to protect them from this.
Vision 2030 (corporate plan) Our Vision is for a sustainable, thriving Elmbridge driven by the power of our community. To deliver this Vision, we will be a high performing, environmentally and financially sustainable organisation
Budget and medium term financial strategy Information about budgeted income and expenditure for 2025 to 2026 and the medium term financial strategy.
Climate change plans Information on how we're reducing our carbon footprint and our journey to becoming carbon neutral.
Counter fraud policies Includes the anti-fraud and corruption strategy, whistleblowing policy, anti-money laundering policy and anti-tax evasion policy.
Countryside strategy 2023 to 2028 Strategic direction for the management of our countryside sites for the next 5 years.
Environmental health and licensing enforcement policy Read our policy on environmental health and licensing enforcement.
Equality data and workforce monitoring Workforce monitoring reports, gender pay gap reports and public sector apprenticeship target reporting.
Strategies and policies on housing Read our housing, homelessness and rough sleeping strategy, tenancy strategy and housing allocation policy.
ICT digital strategy Our ICT digital strategy ensures Elmbridge has the capability to design, build and deliver truly digital services that empower our community and our organisation.
Modern slavery, human and trafficking and safeguarding statement This statement sets out our actions to understand all potential modern slavery risks and to ensure there is no slavery or human trafficking in our business and its supply chains.
Physical activity and leisure facilities strategies Strategies to improve physical activity levels in Elmbridge.
Productivity Plan Our Productivity Plan sets out what we have done in recent years, alongside our current plans, to improve our productivity and efficiency.
Single Use Plastics policy This policy demonstrates our commitment to reducing single use plastic across the borough.
Unacceptable behaviour We do not expect our employees to tolerate unacceptable behaviour and will take firm action to protect them from this.