Want to find support, make a change or improve your wellbeing? Elmbridge Connects is a new website where you can connect with activities, events and support near you. 27 March 2023
Celebrating over 800 years of volunteering in Claygate Over 40 volunteers attended the event, just part of a team who have given over 800 years of time to support the Centre. 17 March 2023
New Village Green on Stokes Field Local Nature Reserve The Voluntary Dedication will be sent to Surrey County Council to make the registration. 17 March 2023
Fly The Flag for the Commonwealth This year marks the 10th anniversary of the signing of the Commonwealth Charter. 17 March 2023
Our Enterprise Elmbridge Action Plan The new strategy and action plan will support our local businesses and high streets. 16 March 2023
Our Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking and Safeguarding Statement Elmbridge Cabinet has agreed its annual Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking and Safeguarding Statement. 16 March 2023
Happy 3rd Birthday to the Elmbridge Community Lottery! Celebrating three successful years. 15 March 2023
Increasing the availability of homes in Elmbridge The demand and need for housing across Elmbridge remains strong with over 2,000 households on our housing register seeking an affordable rented home, and almost 100 households in temporary accommodation. 13 March 2023
Elmbridge Borough Council joins Surrey's newt conservation coalition NatureSpace It is great to work with NatureSpace on this scheme, which will ensure that the great crested newt habitat is increased and enhanced in Elmbridge. 13 March 2023
Elmbridge Vision 2030: Launch event Residents, businesses and local partners came together. 10 March 2023